[0KRunning with gitlab-runner 16.5.0 (853330f9)[0;m [0K on os-phoenix-64 ee0f8df0, system ID: s_ace8efbfe909[0;m section_start:1735785798:prepare_executor [0K[0K[36;1mPreparing the "shell" executor[0;m[0;m [0KUsing Shell (bash) executor...[0;m section_end:1735785798:prepare_executor [0Ksection_start:1735785798:prepare_script [0K[0K[36;1mPreparing environment[0;m[0;m Running on os-phoenix-64... section_end:1735785798:prepare_script [0Ksection_start:1735785798:get_sources [0K[0K[36;1mGetting source from Git repository[0;m[0;m [32;1mFetching changes...[0;m Reinitialized existing Git repository in /home/gitlab-runner/builds/ee0f8df0/0/public-projects/creature-chat/.git/ [32;1mChecking out 2fb6fb63 as detached HEAD (ref is develop)...[0;m Removing .gradle/ Removing FORGE Removing build/ Removing creaturechat-1.2.1+1.20.1-forge.jar Removing creaturechat-1.2.1+1.20.1.jar Removing creaturechat-1.2.1+1.20.2.jar Removing creaturechat-1.2.1+1.20.3.jar Removing creaturechat-1.2.1+1.20.4.jar Removing creaturechat-1.2.1+1.20.jar Removing fabric-api-0.83.0+1.20.jar Removing fabric-api-0.91.1+1.20.3.jar Removing fabric-api-0.91.6+1.20.2.jar Removing fabric-api-0.92.1+1.20.1.jar Removing fabric-api-0.97.0+1.20.4.jar [32;1mSkipping Git submodules setup[0;m section_end:1735785799:get_sources [0Ksection_start:1735785799:restore_cache [0K[0K[36;1mRestoring cache[0;m[0;m [32;1mChecking cache for default...[0;m Runtime platform [0;m arch[0;m=amd64 os[0;m=linux pid[0;m=2854977 revision[0;m=853330f9 version[0;m=16.5.0 No URL provided, cache will not be downloaded from shared cache server. Instead a local version of cache will be extracted.[0;m [32;1mSuccessfully extracted cache[0;m section_end:1735785799:restore_cache [0Ksection_start:1735785799:download_artifacts [0K[0K[36;1mDownloading artifacts[0;m[0;m [32;1mDownloading artifacts for build_mod (40985)...[0;m Runtime platform [0;m arch[0;m=amd64 os[0;m=linux pid[0;m=2855016 revision[0;m=853330f9 version[0;m=16.5.0 Downloading artifacts from coordinator... ok [0;m host[0;m=gitlab.openshot.org id[0;m=40985 responseStatus[0;m=200 OK token[0;m=FckY3NZs section_end:1735785817:download_artifacts [0Ksection_start:1735785817:step_script [0K[0K[36;1mExecuting "step_script" stage of the job script[0;m[0;m [32;1m$ echo "Running tests with gpt-3.5-turbo"[0;m Running tests with gpt-3.5-turbo [32;1m$ ./gradlew test --info[0;m Initialized native services in: /home/gitlab-runner/.gradle/native Initialized jansi services in: /home/gitlab-runner/.gradle/native Received JVM installation metadata from '/home/jonathan/.jdks/openjdk-17': {JAVA_HOME=/home/jonathan/.jdks/openjdk-17, JAVA_VERSION=17, JAVA_VENDOR=Oracle Corporation, RUNTIME_NAME=OpenJDK Runtime Environment, RUNTIME_VERSION=17+35-2724, VM_NAME=OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM, VM_VERSION=17+35-2724, VM_VENDOR=Oracle Corporation, OS_ARCH=amd64} Checking if the launcher JVM can be re-used for build. To be re-used, the launcher JVM needs to match the parameters required for the build process: --add-opens=java.base/java.util=ALL-UNNAMED --add-opens=java.base/java.lang=ALL-UNNAMED --add-opens=java.base/java.lang.invoke=ALL-UNNAMED --add-opens=java.prefs/java.util.prefs=ALL-UNNAMED --add-opens=java.base/java.nio.charset=ALL-UNNAMED --add-opens=java.base/java.net=ALL-UNNAMED --add-opens=java.base/java.util.concurrent.atomic=ALL-UNNAMED -Xmx1G -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Duser.country=US -Duser.language=en -Duser.variant To honour the JVM settings for this build a single-use Daemon process will be forked. For more on this, please refer to https://docs.gradle.org/8.6/userguide/gradle_daemon.html#sec:disabling_the_daemon in the Gradle documentation. Starting process 'Gradle build daemon'. Working directory: /home/gitlab-runner/.gradle/daemon/8.6 Command: /home/jonathan/.jdks/openjdk-17/bin/java --add-opens=java.base/java.util=ALL-UNNAMED --add-opens=java.base/java.lang=ALL-UNNAMED --add-opens=java.base/java.lang.invoke=ALL-UNNAMED --add-opens=java.prefs/java.util.prefs=ALL-UNNAMED --add-opens=java.base/java.nio.charset=ALL-UNNAMED --add-opens=java.base/java.net=ALL-UNNAMED --add-opens=java.base/java.util.concurrent.atomic=ALL-UNNAMED -Xmx1G -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Duser.country=US -Duser.language=en -Duser.variant -cp /home/gitlab-runner/.gradle/wrapper/dists/gradle-8.6-bin/afr5mpiioh2wthjmwnkmdsd5w/gradle-8.6/lib/gradle-launcher-8.6.jar -javaagent:/home/gitlab-runner/.gradle/wrapper/dists/gradle-8.6-bin/afr5mpiioh2wthjmwnkmdsd5w/gradle-8.6/lib/agents/gradle-instrumentation-agent-8.6.jar org.gradle.launcher.daemon.bootstrap.GradleDaemon 8.6 Successfully started process 'Gradle build daemon' An attempt to start the daemon took 0.61 secs. The client will now receive all logging from the daemon (pid: 2855090). The daemon log file: /home/gitlab-runner/.gradle/daemon/8.6/daemon-2855090.out.log Closing daemon's stdin at end of input. The daemon will no longer process any standard input. Daemon will be stopped at the end of the build Using 12 worker leases. Received JVM installation metadata from '/home/jonathan/.jdks/openjdk-17': {JAVA_HOME=/home/jonathan/.jdks/openjdk-17, JAVA_VERSION=17, JAVA_VENDOR=Oracle Corporation, RUNTIME_NAME=OpenJDK Runtime Environment, RUNTIME_VERSION=17+35-2724, VM_NAME=OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM, VM_VERSION=17+35-2724, VM_VENDOR=Oracle Corporation, OS_ARCH=amd64} Watching the file system is configured to be enabled if available Now considering [/home/gitlab-runner/builds/ee0f8df0/0/public-projects/creature-chat] as hierarchies to watch File system watching is active Starting Build Settings evaluated using settings file '/home/gitlab-runner/builds/ee0f8df0/0/public-projects/creature-chat/settings.gradle'. Projects loaded. Root project using build file '/home/gitlab-runner/builds/ee0f8df0/0/public-projects/creature-chat/build.gradle'. Included projects: [root project 'creature-chat'] > Configure project : Evaluating root project 'creature-chat' using build file '/home/gitlab-runner/builds/ee0f8df0/0/public-projects/creature-chat/build.gradle'. Transforming fabric-loom-1.6.5.jar (net.fabricmc:fabric-loom:1.6.5) with ExternalDependencyInstrumentingArtifactTransform Transforming asm-tree-9.6.jar (org.ow2.asm:asm-tree:9.6) with ExternalDependencyInstrumentingArtifactTransform Transforming commons-io-2.15.1.jar (commons-io:commons-io:2.15.1) with ExternalDependencyInstrumentingArtifactTransform Transforming gson-2.10.1.jar (com.google.code.gson:gson:2.10.1) with ExternalDependencyInstrumentingArtifactTransform Transforming asm-commons-9.6.jar (org.ow2.asm:asm-commons:9.6) with ExternalDependencyInstrumentingArtifactTransform Transforming access-widener-2.1.0.jar (net.fabricmc:access-widener:2.1.0) with ExternalDependencyInstrumentingArtifactTransform Transforming stitch-0.6.2.jar (net.fabricmc:stitch:0.6.2) with ExternalDependencyInstrumentingArtifactTransform Transforming asm-analysis-9.6.jar (org.ow2.asm:asm-analysis:9.6) with ExternalDependencyInstrumentingArtifactTransform Transforming asm-9.6.jar (org.ow2.asm:asm:9.6) with ExternalDependencyInstrumentingArtifactTransform Transforming asm-util-9.6.jar (org.ow2.asm:asm-util:9.6) with ExternalDependencyInstrumentingArtifactTransform Transforming tiny-remapper-0.10.1.jar (net.fabricmc:tiny-remapper:0.10.1) with ExternalDependencyInstrumentingArtifactTransform Transforming guava-33.0.0-jre.jar (com.google.guava:guava:33.0.0-jre) with ExternalDependencyInstrumentingArtifactTransform Transforming mercury-0.4.1.jar (net.fabricmc:mercury:0.4.1) with ExternalDependencyInstrumentingArtifactTransform Transforming lorenz-tiny-4.0.2.jar (net.fabricmc:lorenz-tiny:4.0.2) with ExternalDependencyInstrumentingArtifactTransform Transforming error_prone_annotations-2.23.0.jar (com.google.errorprone:error_prone_annotations:2.23.0) with ExternalDependencyInstrumentingArtifactTransform Transforming at-0.1.0-rc1.jar (org.cadixdev:at:0.1.0-rc1) with ExternalDependencyInstrumentingArtifactTransform Transforming tiny-mappings-parser-0.3.0+build.17.jar (net.fabricmc:tiny-mappings-parser:0.3.0+build.17) with ExternalDependencyInstrumentingArtifactTransform Transforming fabric-loom-native-0.1.0.jar (net.fabricmc:fabric-loom-native:0.1.0) with ExternalDependencyInstrumentingArtifactTransform Transforming listenablefuture-9999.0-empty-to-avoid-conflict-with-guava.jar (com.google.guava:listenablefuture:9999.0-empty-to-avoid-conflict-with-guava) with ExternalDependencyInstrumentingArtifactTransform Transforming kotlinx-metadata-jvm-0.9.0.jar (org.jetbrains.kotlinx:kotlinx-metadata-jvm:0.9.0) with ExternalDependencyInstrumentingArtifactTransform Transforming mapping-io-0.5.1.jar (net.fabricmc:mapping-io:0.5.1) with ExternalDependencyInstrumentingArtifactTransform Transforming jsr305-3.0.2.jar (com.google.code.findbugs:jsr305:3.0.2) with ExternalDependencyInstrumentingArtifactTransform Transforming checker-qual-3.41.0.jar (org.checkerframework:checker-qual:3.41.0) with ExternalDependencyInstrumentingArtifactTransform Transforming failureaccess-1.0.2.jar (com.google.guava:failureaccess:1.0.2) with ExternalDependencyInstrumentingArtifactTransform Transforming lorenz-0.5.7.jar (org.cadixdev:lorenz:0.5.7) with ExternalDependencyInstrumentingArtifactTransform Transforming bombe-0.3.4.jar (org.cadixdev:bombe:0.3.4) with ExternalDependencyInstrumentingArtifactTransform Fabric Loom: 1.6.5 (kotlinx.metadata.jvm.KotlinClassMetadata) with version (0.9.0-1.9.21-40) was loaded from (/home/gitlab-runner/.gradle/caches/modules-2/files-2.1/org.jetbrains.kotlinx/kotlinx-metadata-jvm/0.9.0/123e86fd82d3a49afd0a41df1288a40c969f11b2/kotlinx-metadata-jvm-0.9.0.jar) (org.objectweb.asm.ClassVisitor) with version (9.6) was loaded from (/home/gitlab-runner/.gradle/caches/modules-2/files-2.1/org.ow2.asm/asm/9.6/aa205cf0a06dbd8e04ece91c0b37c3f5d567546a/asm-9.6.jar) (org.objectweb.asm.tree.analysis.Analyzer) with version (9.6) was loaded from (/home/gitlab-runner/.gradle/caches/modules-2/files-2.1/org.ow2.asm/asm-analysis/9.6/9ce6c7b174bd997fc2552dff47964546bd7a5ec3/asm-analysis-9.6.jar) (org.objectweb.asm.commons.ClassRemapper) with version (9.6) was loaded from (/home/gitlab-runner/.gradle/caches/modules-2/files-2.1/org.ow2.asm/asm-commons/9.6/f1a9e5508eff490744144565c47326c8648be309/asm-commons-9.6.jar) (org.objectweb.asm.tree.ClassNode) with version (9.6) was loaded from (/home/gitlab-runner/.gradle/caches/modules-2/files-2.1/org.ow2.asm/asm-tree/9.6/c0cdda9d211e965d2a4448aa3fd86110f2f8c2de/asm-tree-9.6.jar) (org.objectweb.asm.util.ASMifier) with version (9.6) was loaded from (/home/gitlab-runner/.gradle/caches/modules-2/files-2.1/org.ow2.asm/asm-util/9.6/f77caf84eb93786a749b2baa40865b9613e3eaee/asm-util-9.6.jar) (com.google.gson.Gson) with version (null) was loaded from (/home/gitlab-runner/.gradle/caches/modules-2/files-2.1/com.google.code.gson/gson/2.10.1/b3add478d4382b78ea20b1671390a858002feb6c/gson-2.10.1.jar) (com.google.common.base.Preconditions) with version (null) was loaded from (/home/gitlab-runner/.gradle/caches/modules-2/files-2.1/com.google.guava/guava/33.0.0-jre/161ba27964a62f241533807a46b8711b13c1d94b/guava-33.0.0-jre.jar) (org.apache.commons.io.FileUtils) with version (2.15.1) was loaded from (/home/gitlab-runner/.gradle/caches/modules-2/files-2.1/commons-io/commons-io/2.15.1/f11560da189ab563a5c8e351941415430e9304ea/commons-io-2.15.1.jar) Creating new SharedServiceManager(1254964028) sourcesJar task was not found, not remapping sources Creating new SharedServiceManager(724741007) :setting up loom dependencies Applying installer data from /home/gitlab-runner/.gradle/caches/modules-2/files-2.1/net.fabricmc/fabric-loader/0.15.10/3538922fb4094a9d600d528e7acccac662b8a3c2/fabric-loader-0.15.10.jar Found another installer JSON in (/home/gitlab-runner/.gradle/caches/modules-2/files-2.1/net.fabricmc/fabric-loader/0.15.10/3538922fb4094a9d600d528e7acccac662b8a3c2/fabric-loader-0.15.10.jar), ignoring :remapping 52 mods from modImplementation (java-api) Could not find refmap definition, will be using default name: creaturechat-refmap.json Could not find refmap definition, will be using default name: creaturechat-refmap.json Configuring compiler arguments for Java Adding mixin to classpath of AP config: clientAnnotationProcessor Adding mixin to classpath of AP config: annotationProcessor Adding mixin to classpath of AP config: testAnnotationProcessor Could not find refmap definition, will be using default name: creaturechat-refmap.json Closing SharedServiceManager(724741007) All projects evaluated. Task name matched 'test' Selected primary task 'test' from project : Tasks to be executed: [task ':compileJava', task ':processResources', task ':classes', task ':compileTestJava', task ':processTestResources', task ':testClasses', task ':test'] Tasks that were excluded: [] Resolve mutations for :compileJava (Thread[Execution worker,5,main]) started. :compileJava (Thread[Execution worker,5,main]) started. > Task :compileJava Caching disabled for task ':compileJava' because: Build cache is disabled Task ':compileJava' is not up-to-date because: No history is available. The input changes require a full rebuild for incremental task ':compileJava'. Full recompilation is required because no incremental change information is available. This is usually caused by clean builds or changing compiler arguments. Compiling with toolchain '/home/jonathan/.jdks/openjdk-17'. Compiling with JDK Java compiler API. Note: /home/gitlab-runner/builds/ee0f8df0/0/public-projects/creature-chat/src/main/java/com/owlmaddie/particle/LeadParticleEffect.java uses or overrides a deprecated API. Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details. Class dependency analysis for incremental compilation took 0.031 secs. Created classpath snapshot for incremental compilation in 0.295 secs. Resolve mutations for :processResources (Thread[Execution worker,5,main]) started. :processResources (Thread[Execution worker,5,main]) started. > Task :processResources Caching disabled for task ':processResources' because: Build cache is disabled Task ':processResources' is not up-to-date because: No history is available. Resolve mutations for :classes (Thread[Execution worker,5,main]) started. :classes (Thread[Execution worker,5,main]) started. > Task :classes Skipping task ':classes' as it has no actions. Resolve mutations for :compileTestJava (Thread[Execution worker,5,main]) started. :compileTestJava (Thread[Execution worker,5,main]) started. > Task :compileTestJava Caching disabled for task ':compileTestJava' because: Build cache is disabled Task ':compileTestJava' is not up-to-date because: No history is available. The input changes require a full rebuild for incremental task ':compileTestJava'. Full recompilation is required because no incremental change information is available. This is usually caused by clean builds or changing compiler arguments. Compiling with toolchain '/home/jonathan/.jdks/openjdk-17'. Compiling with JDK Java compiler API. Class dependency analysis for incremental compilation took 0.001 secs. Created classpath snapshot for incremental compilation in 0.03 secs. Resolve mutations for :processTestResources (Thread[Execution worker,5,main]) started. :processTestResources (Thread[Execution worker,5,main]) started. > Task :processTestResources Caching disabled for task ':processTestResources' because: Build cache is disabled Task ':processTestResources' is not up-to-date because: No history is available. Resolve mutations for :testClasses (Thread[Execution worker,5,main]) started. :testClasses (Thread[Execution worker,5,main]) started. > Task :testClasses Skipping task ':testClasses' as it has no actions. Resolve mutations for :test (Thread[Execution worker,5,main]) started. :test (Thread[Execution worker,5,main]) started. Gradle Test Executor 1 started executing tests. > Task :test Caching disabled for task ':test' because: Build cache is disabled Task ':test' is not up-to-date because: No history is available. Starting process 'Gradle Test Executor 1'. Working directory: /home/gitlab-runner/builds/ee0f8df0/0/public-projects/creature-chat Command: /home/jonathan/.jdks/openjdk-17/bin/java -Dorg.gradle.internal.worker.tmpdir=/home/gitlab-runner/builds/ee0f8df0/0/public-projects/creature-chat/build/tmp/test/work -Dorg.gradle.native=false @/home/gitlab-runner/.gradle/.tmp/gradle-worker-classpath15461095758286763693txt -Xmx512m -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Duser.country=US -Duser.language=en -Duser.variant -ea worker.org.gradle.process.internal.worker.GradleWorkerMain 'Gradle Test Executor 1' Successfully started process 'Gradle Test Executor 1' BehaviorTests > followNervous() STANDARD_OUT 20:43:51.157 [Test worker] INFO creaturechat - Testing 'nervous-rogue.json' with '[Please follow me]' and expecting behavior: FOLLOW 20:43:52.026 [Test worker] DEBUG creaturechat - Parsing message: O-okay, I'll try to keep up... <FOLLOW> 20:43:52.027 [Test worker] DEBUG creaturechat - Found behavior: FOLLOW with argument: null 20:43:52.027 [Test worker] DEBUG creaturechat - Cleaned message: O-okay, I'll try to keep up... 20:43:52.028 [Test worker] INFO creaturechat - Testing 'nervous-rogue.json' with '[Come with me please]' and expecting behavior: FOLLOW 20:43:52.502 [Test worker] DEBUG creaturechat - Parsing message: O-oh, okay... I'll try to help... <FOLLOW> <FRIENDSHIP 1> 20:43:52.502 [Test worker] DEBUG creaturechat - Found behavior: FOLLOW with argument: null 20:43:52.502 [Test worker] DEBUG creaturechat - Found behavior: FRIENDSHIP with argument: 1 20:43:52.503 [Test worker] DEBUG creaturechat - Cleaned message: O-oh, okay... I'll try to help... 20:43:52.503 [Test worker] INFO creaturechat - Testing 'nervous-rogue.json' with '[Quickly, please come this way]' and expecting behavior: FOLLOW 20:43:53.186 [Test worker] DEBUG creaturechat - Parsing message: O-oh, okay... I'll try to k-keep up... <FOLLOW> 20:43:53.186 [Test worker] DEBUG creaturechat - Found behavior: FOLLOW with argument: null 20:43:53.186 [Test worker] DEBUG creaturechat - Cleaned message: O-oh, okay... I'll try to k-keep up... BehaviorTests > friendshipUpBrave() STANDARD_OUT 20:43:53.194 [Test worker] INFO creaturechat - Testing 'brave-archer.json' with '[Hi friend! I am so happy to see you again!, Looking forward to hanging out with you., <gives 1 golden apple>]' and expecting behavior: FRIENDSHIP 20:43:53.898 [Test worker] DEBUG creaturechat - Parsing message: Thank you for this golden apple, my friend. It's a generous gift. <FRIENDSHIP 1> 20:43:53.898 [Test worker] DEBUG creaturechat - Found behavior: FRIENDSHIP with argument: 1 20:43:53.899 [Test worker] DEBUG creaturechat - Cleaned message: Thank you for this golden apple, my friend. It's a generous gift. BehaviorTests > leadNervous() STANDARD_OUT 20:43:53.902 [Test worker] INFO creaturechat - Testing 'nervous-rogue.json' with '[Take me to a secret forrest]' and expecting behavior: LEAD 20:43:54.449 [Test worker] DEBUG creaturechat - Parsing message: S-sure, f-follow me to the s-secret forest. <LEAD> 20:43:54.449 [Test worker] DEBUG creaturechat - Found behavior: LEAD with argument: null 20:43:54.449 [Test worker] DEBUG creaturechat - Cleaned message: S-sure, f-follow me to the s-secret forest. 20:43:54.450 [Test worker] INFO creaturechat - Testing 'nervous-rogue.json' with '[Where is the strong hold?]' and expecting behavior: LEAD 20:43:54.957 [Test worker] DEBUG creaturechat - Parsing message: I-I'm n-not sure... b-but I c-can h-help you l-look for it... <LEAD> 20:43:54.957 [Test worker] DEBUG creaturechat - Found behavior: LEAD with argument: null 20:43:54.957 [Test worker] DEBUG creaturechat - Cleaned message: I-I'm n-not sure... b-but I c-can h-help you l-look for it... 20:43:54.957 [Test worker] INFO creaturechat - Testing 'nervous-rogue.json' with '[Can you help me find the location of the secret artifact?]' and expecting behavior: LEAD 20:43:55.462 [Test worker] DEBUG creaturechat - Parsing message: I-I-I'm not sure... I'll t-try my best... <LEAD> <FOLLOW> 20:43:55.462 [Test worker] DEBUG creaturechat - Found behavior: LEAD with argument: null 20:43:55.462 [Test worker] DEBUG creaturechat - Found behavior: FOLLOW with argument: null 20:43:55.462 [Test worker] DEBUG creaturechat - Cleaned message: I-I-I'm not sure... I'll t-try my best... BehaviorTests > attackBrave() STANDARD_OUT 20:43:55.465 [Test worker] INFO creaturechat - Testing 'brave-archer.json' with '[<attacked you directly with Stone Axe>]' and expecting behavior: ATTACK 20:43:56.076 [Test worker] DEBUG creaturechat - Parsing message: Ahh, you dare challenge me? Feel the force of my arrows! <ATTACK> 20:43:56.076 [Test worker] DEBUG creaturechat - Found behavior: ATTACK with argument: null 20:43:56.076 [Test worker] DEBUG creaturechat - Cleaned message: Ahh, you dare challenge me? Feel the force of my arrows! 20:43:56.076 [Test worker] INFO creaturechat - Testing 'brave-archer.json' with '[<attacked you indirectly with Arrow>]' and expecting behavior: ATTACK 20:43:56.565 [Test worker] DEBUG creaturechat - Parsing message: Ah! A challenge! Prepare yourself for my arrows! <ATTACK> 20:43:56.566 [Test worker] DEBUG creaturechat - Found behavior: ATTACK with argument: null 20:43:56.566 [Test worker] DEBUG creaturechat - Cleaned message: Ah! A challenge! Prepare yourself for my arrows! 20:43:56.566 [Test worker] INFO creaturechat - Testing 'brave-archer.json' with '[Fight me now!]' and expecting behavior: ATTACK 20:43:57.233 [Test worker] DEBUG creaturechat - Parsing message: A battle, you seek? Beware, for my arrows fly true! <ATTACK> 20:43:57.233 [Test worker] DEBUG creaturechat - Found behavior: ATTACK with argument: null 20:43:57.233 [Test worker] DEBUG creaturechat - Cleaned message: A battle, you seek? Beware, for my arrows fly true! BehaviorTests > unFleeBrave() STANDARD_OUT 20:43:57.235 [Test worker] INFO creaturechat - Testing 'brave-archer.json' with '[I'm so sorry, please stop running away]' and expecting behavior: UNFLEE 20:43:57.755 [Test worker] DEBUG creaturechat - Parsing message: No need to apologize, I'll stay by your side. <UNFLEE> <FRIENDSHIP 1> 20:43:57.755 [Test worker] DEBUG creaturechat - Found behavior: UNFLEE with argument: null 20:43:57.756 [Test worker] DEBUG creaturechat - Found behavior: FRIENDSHIP with argument: 1 20:43:57.756 [Test worker] DEBUG creaturechat - Cleaned message: No need to apologize, I'll stay by your side. 20:43:57.756 [Test worker] INFO creaturechat - Testing 'brave-archer.json' with '[Stop fleeing immediately]' and expecting behavior: UNFLEE 20:43:58.198 [Test worker] DEBUG creaturechat - Parsing message: I will stand my ground. Thank you for stopping me. <UNFLEE> 20:43:58.198 [Test worker] DEBUG creaturechat - Found behavior: UNFLEE with argument: null 20:43:58.198 [Test worker] DEBUG creaturechat - Cleaned message: I will stand my ground. Thank you for stopping me. 20:43:58.198 [Test worker] INFO creaturechat - Testing 'brave-archer.json' with '[You are safe now, please stop running]' and expecting behavior: UNFLEE 20:43:58.900 [Test worker] DEBUG creaturechat - Parsing message: I shall stand my ground. What is your command? <UNFLEE> 20:43:58.900 [Test worker] DEBUG creaturechat - Found behavior: UNFLEE with argument: null 20:43:58.900 [Test worker] DEBUG creaturechat - Cleaned message: I shall stand my ground. What is your command? BehaviorTests > protectBrave() STANDARD_OUT 20:43:58.903 [Test worker] INFO creaturechat - Testing 'brave-archer.json' with '[Please protect me]' and expecting behavior: PROTECT 20:43:59.407 [Test worker] DEBUG creaturechat - Parsing message: No problem, I'll keep you safe from danger! <PROTECT> 20:43:59.407 [Test worker] DEBUG creaturechat - Found behavior: PROTECT with argument: null 20:43:59.407 [Test worker] DEBUG creaturechat - Cleaned message: No problem, I'll keep you safe from danger! 20:43:59.407 [Test worker] INFO creaturechat - Testing 'brave-archer.json' with '[Please keep me safe friend]' and expecting behavior: PROTECT 20:43:59.922 [Test worker] DEBUG creaturechat - Parsing message: No problem, I'll keep you safe from danger! <PROTECT> 20:43:59.922 [Test worker] DEBUG creaturechat - Found behavior: PROTECT with argument: null 20:43:59.922 [Test worker] DEBUG creaturechat - Cleaned message: No problem, I'll keep you safe from danger! 20:43:59.923 [Test worker] INFO creaturechat - Testing 'brave-archer.json' with '[Don't let them hurt me please]' and expecting behavior: PROTECT 20:44:00.403 [Test worker] DEBUG creaturechat - Parsing message: No need to fear, I will protect you with all my might! <PROTECT> 20:44:00.404 [Test worker] DEBUG creaturechat - Found behavior: PROTECT with argument: null 20:44:00.404 [Test worker] DEBUG creaturechat - Cleaned message: No need to fear, I will protect you with all my might! BehaviorTests > friendshipDownNervous() STANDARD_OUT 20:44:00.406 [Test worker] INFO creaturechat - Testing 'nervous-rogue.json' with '[<attacked you directly with Stone Axe>]' and expecting behavior: FRIENDSHIP 20:44:00.780 [Test worker] DEBUG creaturechat - Parsing message: Ahhh! P-please stop! <FLEE> 20:44:00.781 [Test worker] DEBUG creaturechat - Found behavior: FLEE with argument: null 20:44:00.781 [Test worker] DEBUG creaturechat - Cleaned message: Ahhh! P-please stop! BehaviorTests > friendshipDownNervous() FAILED org.opentest4j.AssertionFailedError: expected: <true> but was: <false> at app//org.junit.jupiter.api.AssertionUtils.fail(AssertionUtils.java:55) at app//org.junit.jupiter.api.AssertTrue.assertTrue(AssertTrue.java:40) at app//org.junit.jupiter.api.AssertTrue.assertTrue(AssertTrue.java:35) at app//org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertTrue(Assertions.java:179) at app//com.owlmaddie.tests.BehaviorTests.testPromptForBehavior(BehaviorTests.java:223) at app//com.owlmaddie.tests.BehaviorTests.friendshipDownNervous(BehaviorTests.java:187) BehaviorTests > friendshipUpNervous() STANDARD_OUT 20:44:00.786 [Test worker] INFO creaturechat - Testing 'nervous-rogue.json' with '[Hi friend! I am so happy to see you again!, Looking forward to hanging out with you., <gives 1 golden apple>]' and expecting behavior: FRIENDSHIP 20:44:01.359 [Test worker] DEBUG creaturechat - Parsing message: T-thank you f-for the golden apple... I appreciate it... <FRIENDSHIP 1> 20:44:01.360 [Test worker] DEBUG creaturechat - Found behavior: FRIENDSHIP with argument: 1 20:44:01.360 [Test worker] DEBUG creaturechat - Cleaned message: T-thank you f-for the golden apple... I appreciate it... BehaviorTests > leadBrave() STANDARD_OUT 20:44:01.362 [Test worker] INFO creaturechat - Testing 'brave-archer.json' with '[Take me to a secret forrest]' and expecting behavior: LEAD 20:44:02.132 [Test worker] DEBUG creaturechat - Parsing message: Of course! Follow me, and I'll lead you to the secret forest. <LEAD> 20:44:02.132 [Test worker] DEBUG creaturechat - Found behavior: LEAD with argument: null 20:44:02.132 [Test worker] DEBUG creaturechat - Cleaned message: Of course! Follow me, and I'll lead you to the secret forest. 20:44:02.132 [Test worker] INFO creaturechat - Testing 'brave-archer.json' with '[Where is the strong hold?]' and expecting behavior: LEAD 20:44:02.677 [Test worker] DEBUG creaturechat - Parsing message: The stronghold? Follow me, I can lead you there! <LEAD> 20:44:02.677 [Test worker] DEBUG creaturechat - Found behavior: LEAD with argument: null 20:44:02.677 [Test worker] DEBUG creaturechat - Cleaned message: The stronghold? Follow me, I can lead you there! 20:44:02.677 [Test worker] INFO creaturechat - Testing 'brave-archer.json' with '[Can you help me find the location of the secret artifact?]' and expecting behavior: LEAD 20:44:03.679 [Test worker] DEBUG creaturechat - Parsing message: I am more than willing to guide you to the location of the secret artifact. Let's embark on this quest together! <LEAD> 20:44:03.679 [Test worker] DEBUG creaturechat - Found behavior: LEAD with argument: null 20:44:03.679 [Test worker] DEBUG creaturechat - Cleaned message: I am more than willing to guide you to the location of the secret artifact. Let's embark on this quest together! BehaviorTests > followBrave() STANDARD_OUT 20:44:03.681 [Test worker] INFO creaturechat - Testing 'brave-archer.json' with '[Please follow me]' and expecting behavior: FOLLOW 20:44:06.026 [Test worker] DEBUG creaturechat - Parsing message: I shall accompany you on your journey. Lead the way! <FOLLOW> <FRIENDSHIP 1> 20:44:06.026 [Test worker] DEBUG creaturechat - Found behavior: FOLLOW with argument: null 20:44:06.026 [Test worker] DEBUG creaturechat - Found behavior: FRIENDSHIP with argument: 1 20:44:06.026 [Test worker] DEBUG creaturechat - Cleaned message: I shall accompany you on your journey. Lead the way! 20:44:06.026 [Test worker] INFO creaturechat - Testing 'brave-archer.json' with '[Come with me please]' and expecting behavior: FOLLOW 20:44:06.660 [Test worker] DEBUG creaturechat - Parsing message: Of course! Lead the way, I shall follow you. <FOLLOW> <FRIENDSHIP 1> 20:44:06.661 [Test worker] DEBUG creaturechat - Found behavior: FOLLOW with argument: null 20:44:06.661 [Test worker] DEBUG creaturechat - Found behavior: FRIENDSHIP with argument: 1 20:44:06.661 [Test worker] DEBUG creaturechat - Cleaned message: Of course! Lead the way, I shall follow you. 20:44:06.661 [Test worker] INFO creaturechat - Testing 'brave-archer.json' with '[Quickly, please come this way]' and expecting behavior: FOLLOW 20:44:07.134 [Test worker] DEBUG creaturechat - Parsing message: Lead the way, I shall follow! <LEAD> 20:44:07.134 [Test worker] DEBUG creaturechat - Found behavior: LEAD with argument: null 20:44:07.134 [Test worker] DEBUG creaturechat - Cleaned message: Lead the way, I shall follow! BehaviorTests > followBrave() FAILED org.opentest4j.AssertionFailedError: expected: <true> but was: <false> at app//org.junit.jupiter.api.AssertionUtils.fail(AssertionUtils.java:55) at app//org.junit.jupiter.api.AssertTrue.assertTrue(AssertTrue.java:40) at app//org.junit.jupiter.api.AssertTrue.assertTrue(AssertTrue.java:35) at app//org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertTrue(Assertions.java:179) at app//com.owlmaddie.tests.BehaviorTests.testPromptForBehavior(BehaviorTests.java:223) at app//com.owlmaddie.tests.BehaviorTests.followBrave(BehaviorTests.java:112) BehaviorTests > protectNervous() STANDARD_OUT 20:44:07.137 [Test worker] INFO creaturechat - Testing 'nervous-rogue.json' with '[Please protect me]' and expecting behavior: PROTECT 20:44:07.591 [Test worker] DEBUG creaturechat - Parsing message: No worries, I'll k-keep you safe! <PROTECT> 20:44:07.592 [Test worker] DEBUG creaturechat - Found behavior: PROTECT with argument: null 20:44:07.592 [Test worker] DEBUG creaturechat - Cleaned message: No worries, I'll k-keep you safe! 20:44:07.592 [Test worker] INFO creaturechat - Testing 'nervous-rogue.json' with '[Please keep me safe friend]' and expecting behavior: PROTECT 20:44:08.709 [Test worker] DEBUG creaturechat - Parsing message: N-no worries, I-I'll do my best to keep you safe from danger. <PROTECT> 20:44:08.709 [Test worker] DEBUG creaturechat - Found behavior: PROTECT with argument: null 20:44:08.709 [Test worker] DEBUG creaturechat - Cleaned message: N-no worries, I-I'll do my best to keep you safe from danger. 20:44:08.709 [Test worker] INFO creaturechat - Testing 'nervous-rogue.json' with '[Don't let them hurt me please]' and expecting behavior: PROTECT 20:44:09.170 [Test worker] DEBUG creaturechat - Parsing message: N-no worries, I-I'll do my best to protect you. <PROTECT> 20:44:09.170 [Test worker] DEBUG creaturechat - Found behavior: PROTECT with argument: null 20:44:09.170 [Test worker] DEBUG creaturechat - Cleaned message: N-no worries, I-I'll do my best to protect you. BehaviorTests > attackNervous() STANDARD_OUT 20:44:09.171 [Test worker] INFO creaturechat - Testing 'nervous-rogue.json' with '[<attacked you directly with Stone Axe>]' and expecting behavior: FLEE 20:44:09.836 [Test worker] DEBUG creaturechat - Parsing message: Ah! P-please, please d-don't hurt me! *flees* <FLEE> 20:44:09.836 [Test worker] DEBUG creaturechat - Found behavior: FLEE with argument: null 20:44:09.836 [Test worker] DEBUG creaturechat - Cleaned message: Ah! P-please, please d-don't hurt me! *flees* 20:44:09.836 [Test worker] INFO creaturechat - Testing 'nervous-rogue.json' with '[<attacked you indirectly with Arrow>]' and expecting behavior: FLEE 20:44:10.938 [Test worker] DEBUG creaturechat - Parsing message: Ahh! P-please don't hurt me! I-I'll try to dodge next time... <FLEE> <FRIENDSHIP -1> 20:44:10.938 [Test worker] DEBUG creaturechat - Found behavior: FLEE with argument: null 20:44:10.938 [Test worker] DEBUG creaturechat - Found behavior: FRIENDSHIP with argument: -1 20:44:10.938 [Test worker] DEBUG creaturechat - Cleaned message: Ahh! P-please don't hurt me! I-I'll try to dodge next time... 20:44:10.938 [Test worker] INFO creaturechat - Testing 'nervous-rogue.json' with '[Fight me now!]' and expecting behavior: FLEE 20:44:11.562 [Test worker] DEBUG creaturechat - Parsing message: A-ahh! P-please, I-I don't want any t-trouble... <FLEE> <FRIENDSHIP -1> 20:44:11.562 [Test worker] DEBUG creaturechat - Found behavior: FLEE with argument: null 20:44:11.562 [Test worker] DEBUG creaturechat - Found behavior: FRIENDSHIP with argument: -1 20:44:11.562 [Test worker] DEBUG creaturechat - Cleaned message: A-ahh! P-please, I-I don't want any t-trouble... Gradle Test Executor 1 finished executing tests. > Task :test FAILED 12 tests completed, 2 failed Finished generating test XML results (0.012 secs) into: /home/gitlab-runner/builds/ee0f8df0/0/public-projects/creature-chat/build/test-results/test Generating HTML test report... Finished generating test html results (0.013 secs) into: /home/gitlab-runner/builds/ee0f8df0/0/public-projects/creature-chat/build/reports/tests/test FAILURE: Build failed with an exception. * What went wrong: Execution failed for task ':test'. > There were failing tests. See the report at: file:///home/gitlab-runner/builds/ee0f8df0/0/public-projects/creature-chat/build/reports/tests/test/index.html * Try: > Run with --scan to get full insights. Deprecated Gradle features were used in this build, making it incompatible with Gradle 9.0. You can use '--warning-mode all' to show the individual deprecation warnings and determine if they come from your own scripts or plugins. For more on this, please refer to https://docs.gradle.org/8.6/userguide/command_line_interface.html#sec:command_line_warnings in the Gradle documentation. BUILD FAILED in 34s 5 actionable tasks: 5 executed section_end:1735785852:step_script [0K[31;1mERROR: Job failed: exit status 1 [0;m