Commit 4b1a34ed by Jonathan Thomas

Fixed entity heights for EnderDragon (lowered chat bubble) and fixed tilt…

Fixed entity heights for EnderDragon (lowered chat bubble) and fixed tilt calculation to use the padding above the entity height.
parent b58894e9
Pipeline #11962 passed with stage
in 22 seconds
......@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ package com.owlmaddie.ui;
import com.owlmaddie.utils.EntityHeights;
import com.owlmaddie.utils.EntityRendererAccessor;
import com.owlmaddie.utils.TextureLoader;
import net.fabricmc.fabric.api.client.rendering.v1.WorldRenderContext;
......@@ -213,7 +214,6 @@ public class BubbleRenderer {
VertexConsumerProvider immediate = context.consumers();
// Get camera position
double cameraHeight = cameraEntity.getHeight();
Vec3d interpolatedCameraPos = new Vec3d(camera.getPos().x, camera.getPos().y, camera.getPos().z);
// Get all entities
......@@ -242,6 +242,9 @@ public class BubbleRenderer {
// Push a new matrix onto the stack.
// Get entity height (adjust for specific classes)
float entityHeight = EntityHeights.getAdjustedEntityHeight(entity);
// Interpolate entity position (smooth motion)
double paddingAboveEntity = 0.4D;
Vec3d interpolatedEntityPos = new Vec3d(
......@@ -250,13 +253,24 @@ public class BubbleRenderer {
MathHelper.lerp(partialTicks, entity.prevZ, entity.getPos().z)
// Translate to the entity's position
matrices.translate(interpolatedEntityPos.x - interpolatedCameraPos.x,
(interpolatedEntityPos.y + entity.getHeight()) - interpolatedCameraPos.y + paddingAboveEntity,
interpolatedEntityPos.z - interpolatedCameraPos.z);
// Calculate the forward offset based on the entity's yaw
float entityYawRadians = (float) Math.toRadians(entity.getYaw(partialTicks));
Vec3d forwardOffset = new Vec3d(-Math.sin(entityYawRadians), 0.0, Math.cos(entityYawRadians));
// Calculate the forward offset based on the entity's yaw, scaled to 80% towards the front edge
Vec3d scaledForwardOffset = forwardOffset.multiply(entity.getWidth() / 2.0 * 0.8);
// Calculate the position of the chat bubble: above the head and 80% towards the front
Vec3d bubblePosition = interpolatedEntityPos.add(scaledForwardOffset)
.add(0, entityHeight + paddingAboveEntity, 0);
// Translate to the chat bubble's position
matrices.translate(bubblePosition.x - interpolatedCameraPos.x,
bubblePosition.y - interpolatedCameraPos.y,
bubblePosition.z - interpolatedCameraPos.z);
// Calculate the difference vector (from entity to camera)
Vec3d difference = interpolatedCameraPos.subtract(interpolatedEntityPos).subtract(0, cameraHeight, 0);
// Calculate the difference vector (from entity + padding above to camera)
Vec3d difference = interpolatedCameraPos.subtract(new Vec3d(interpolatedEntityPos.x, interpolatedEntityPos.y + entityHeight + paddingAboveEntity, interpolatedEntityPos.z));
// Calculate the yaw angle
double yaw = -(Math.atan2(difference.z, difference.x) + Math.PI / 2D);
......@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ import;
import com.owlmaddie.utils.ClientEntityFinder;
import com.owlmaddie.utils.Decompression;
import com.owlmaddie.utils.EntityHeights;
import net.fabricmc.fabric.api.client.event.lifecycle.v1.ClientTickEvents;
import net.fabricmc.fabric.api.client.networking.v1.ClientPlayNetworking;
import net.minecraft.client.MinecraftClient;
......@@ -163,9 +164,16 @@ public class ClickHandler {
// Get entity height (adjust for specific classes)
float entityHeight = EntityHeights.getAdjustedEntityHeight(entity);
// Move hit box near front of entity
float entityYawRadians = (float) Math.toRadians(entity.getYaw());
Vec3d forwardOffset = new Vec3d(-Math.sin(entityYawRadians), 0.0, Math.cos(entityYawRadians)).multiply(entity.getWidth() / 2.0 * 0.8);
double paddingAboveEntity = 0.4D;
Vec3d entityPos = entity.getPos();
double extraHeight = 0.5D; // Calculate how much higher the text bubble is above the entity
Vec3d iconCenter = entityPos.add(0, entity.getHeight() + extraHeight, 0);
Vec3d iconCenter = entityPos.add(forwardOffset).add(0, entityHeight + paddingAboveEntity, 0);
// Define a bounding box that accurately represents the text bubble
double bubbleRadius = 1D; // Determine the radius or size of the text bubble
package com.owlmaddie.utils;
import net.minecraft.entity.boss.dragon.EnderDragonEntity;
import net.minecraft.entity.mob.MobEntity;
* The {@code EntityHeightMap} class returns an adjusted entity height (which fixes certain MobEntity's with
* unusually tall heights)
public class EntityHeights {
public static float getAdjustedEntityHeight(MobEntity entity) {
// Get entity height (adjust for specific classes)
float entityHeight = entity.getHeight();
if (entity instanceof EnderDragonEntity) {
entityHeight = 3F;
return entityHeight;
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