Commit 558cebb2 by Jonathan Thomas

- Fix drawEntityName to support both MobEntity and PlayerEntity classes

- Filter out the current player if in 1st person, otherwise render their bubbles
- Refactor render code to better support missing chatData, for example a Player with no chatData still needs a name rendered
parent 2f458d42
Pipeline #12001 passed with stage
in 20 seconds
......@@ -222,10 +222,16 @@ public class BubbleRenderer {
int fullBright, float yOffset) {
TextRenderer fontRenderer = MinecraftClient.getInstance().textRenderer;
// Get custom name (if any)
// Get Name of entity
String nameText = "N/A";
if (entity.getCustomName() != null) {
nameText = entity.getCustomName().getLiteralString();
if (entity instanceof MobEntity) {
// Custom Name Tag (MobEntity)
if (entity.getCustomName() != null) {
nameText = entity.getCustomName().getLiteralString();
} else if (entity instanceof PlayerEntity) {
// Player Name
nameText = entity.getName().getLiteralString();
// Truncate long names
......@@ -238,16 +244,18 @@ public class BubbleRenderer {
public static void drawTextAboveEntities(WorldRenderContext context, long tick, float partialTicks) {
// Access the Minecraft client instance
MinecraftClient client = MinecraftClient.getInstance();
PlayerEntity player = client.player;
// Set some rendering constants
float lineSpacing = 1F;
float textHeaderHeight = 40F;
float textFooterHeight = 5F;
int fullBright = 0xF000F0;
double renderDistance = 9.0;
// Get camera
Camera camera =;
Entity cameraEntity = camera.getFocusedEntity();
if (cameraEntity == null) return;
World world = cameraEntity.getEntityWorld();
double renderDistance = 9.0;
// Calculate radius of entities
Vec3d pos = cameraEntity.getPos();
......@@ -265,35 +273,15 @@ public class BubbleRenderer {
// Get all entities
List<Entity> nearbyEntities = world.getOtherEntities(null, area);
// Filter to include only MobEntity & PlayerEntity but exclude the current player and any entities with passengers
// Filter to include only MobEntity & PlayerEntity but exclude any camera 1st person entity and any entities with passengers
List<Entity> relevantEntities =
.filter(entity -> (entity instanceof MobEntity || entity instanceof PlayerEntity))
.filter(entity -> !entity.getUuid().equals(player.getUuid())) // Exclude current player by UUID
.filter(entity -> !entity.hasPassengers()) // Exclude entities with passengers
.filter(entity -> (entity instanceof MobEntity || entity instanceof PlayerEntity))
.filter(entity -> !entity.hasPassengers())
.filter(entity -> !(entity.equals(cameraEntity) && !camera.isThirdPerson()))
for (Entity entity : relevantEntities) {
// Look-up greeting (if any)
ChatDataManager.EntityChatData chatData = null;
if (entity instanceof MobEntity) {
chatData = ChatDataManager.getClientInstance().getOrCreateChatData(entity.getUuidAsString());
} else if (entity instanceof PlayerEntity) {
chatData = PlayerMessageManager.getMessage(entity.getUuid());
// Bail if no chatData found, or if they have passengers
if (chatData == null || entity.hasPassengers()) {
// Skip
List<String> lines = chatData.getWrappedLines();
// Set the range of lines to display
int starting_line = chatData.currentLineNumber;
int ending_line = Math.min(chatData.currentLineNumber + ChatDataManager.DISPLAY_NUM_LINES, lines.size());
// Push a new matrix onto the stack.
......@@ -371,92 +359,118 @@ public class BubbleRenderer {
// Apply the pitch rotation to the matrix stack
// Determine max line length
float linesDisplayed = ending_line - starting_line;
float lineSpacing = 1F;
float textHeaderHeight = 40F;
float textFooterHeight = 5F;
int fullBright = 0xF000F0;
// Get position matrix
Matrix4f matrix = matrices.peek().getPositionMatrix();
// Calculate size of text scaled to world
float scaledTextHeight = linesDisplayed * (fontRenderer.fontHeight + lineSpacing);
float minTextHeight = (ChatDataManager.DISPLAY_NUM_LINES * (fontRenderer.fontHeight + lineSpacing)) + (DISPLAY_PADDING * 2);
scaledTextHeight = Math.max(scaledTextHeight, minTextHeight);
// Update Bubble Data for Click Handling using UUID (account for scaling)
BubbleLocationManager.updateBubbleData(entity.getUuid(), bubblePosition,
128F / (1 / 0.02F), (scaledTextHeight + 25F) / (1 / 0.02F), yaw, pitch);
// Scale down before rendering textures (otherwise font is huge)
matrices.scale(-0.02F, -0.02F, 0.02F);
// Translate above the entity
matrices.translate(0F, -scaledTextHeight - textHeaderHeight - textFooterHeight, 0F);
// Check if conversation has started
if (chatData.status == ChatDataManager.ChatStatus.NONE) {
// Draw 'start chat' button
drawIcon("button-chat", matrices, -16, textHeaderHeight, 32, 17);
} else if (chatData.status == ChatDataManager.ChatStatus.PENDING) {
// Draw 'pending' button
drawIcon("button-dot-" + animationFrame, matrices, -16, textHeaderHeight, 32, 17);
// Calculate animation frames (0-8) every X ticks
if (lastTick != tick && tick % 5 == 0) {
lastTick = tick;
if (animationFrame > 8) {
animationFrame = 0;
} else if (chatData.sender == ChatDataManager.ChatSender.ASSISTANT && chatData.status != ChatDataManager.ChatStatus.HIDDEN) {
// Draw Entity (Custom Name)
drawEntityName(entity, matrix, immediate, fullBright, 24F + DISPLAY_PADDING);
// Draw text background (no smaller than 50F tall)
drawTextBubbleBackground("text-top", matrices, -64, 0, 128, scaledTextHeight, chatData.friendship);
// Draw face icon of entity
drawEntityIcon(matrices, entity, -82, 7, 32, 32);
// Draw Friendship status
drawFriendshipStatus(matrices, 51, 18, 31, 21, chatData.friendship);
// Look-up greeting (if any)
ChatDataManager.EntityChatData chatData = null;
if (entity instanceof MobEntity) {
chatData = ChatDataManager.getClientInstance().getOrCreateChatData(entity.getUuidAsString());
} else if (entity instanceof PlayerEntity) {
chatData = PlayerMessageManager.getMessage(entity.getUuid());
// Draw 'arrows' & 'keyboard' buttons
if (chatData.currentLineNumber > 0) {
drawIcon("arrow-left", matrices, -63, scaledTextHeight + 29, 16, 16);
if (!chatData.isEndOfMessage()) {
drawIcon("arrow-right", matrices, 47, scaledTextHeight + 29, 16, 16);
} else {
drawIcon("keyboard", matrices, 47, scaledTextHeight + 28, 16, 16);
float linesDisplayed = 0;
float minTextHeight = (ChatDataManager.DISPLAY_NUM_LINES * (fontRenderer.fontHeight + lineSpacing)) + (DISPLAY_PADDING * 2);
float scaledTextHeight = minTextHeight;
if (chatData != null) {
// Set the range of lines to display
List<String> lines = chatData.getWrappedLines();
int starting_line = chatData.currentLineNumber;
int ending_line = Math.min(chatData.currentLineNumber + ChatDataManager.DISPLAY_NUM_LINES, lines.size());
// Determine max line length
linesDisplayed = ending_line - starting_line;
// Calculate size of text scaled to world
scaledTextHeight = linesDisplayed * (fontRenderer.fontHeight + lineSpacing);
scaledTextHeight = Math.max(scaledTextHeight, minTextHeight);
// Update Bubble Data for Click Handling using UUID (account for scaling)
BubbleLocationManager.updateBubbleData(entity.getUuid(), bubblePosition,
128F / (1 / 0.02F), (scaledTextHeight + 25F) / (1 / 0.02F), yaw, pitch);
// Scale down before rendering textures (otherwise font is huge)
matrices.scale(-0.02F, -0.02F, 0.02F);
// Translate above the entity
matrices.translate(0F, -scaledTextHeight - textHeaderHeight - textFooterHeight, 0F);
// Check if conversation has started
if (chatData.status == ChatDataManager.ChatStatus.NONE) {
// Draw 'start chat' button
drawIcon("button-chat", matrices, -16, textHeaderHeight, 32, 17);
} else if (chatData.status == ChatDataManager.ChatStatus.PENDING) {
// Draw 'pending' button
drawIcon("button-dot-" + animationFrame, matrices, -16, textHeaderHeight, 32, 17);
// Calculate animation frames (0-8) every X ticks
if (lastTick != tick && tick % 5 == 0) {
lastTick = tick;
if (animationFrame > 8) {
animationFrame = 0;
} else if (chatData.sender == ChatDataManager.ChatSender.ASSISTANT && chatData.status != ChatDataManager.ChatStatus.HIDDEN) {
// Draw Entity (Custom Name)
drawEntityName(entity, matrix, immediate, fullBright, 24F + DISPLAY_PADDING);
// Draw text background (no smaller than 50F tall)
drawTextBubbleBackground("text-top", matrices, -64, 0, 128, scaledTextHeight, chatData.friendship);
// Draw face icon of entity
drawEntityIcon(matrices, entity, -82, 7, 32, 32);
// Draw Friendship status
drawFriendshipStatus(matrices, 51, 18, 31, 21, chatData.friendship);
// Draw 'arrows' & 'keyboard' buttons
if (chatData.currentLineNumber > 0) {
drawIcon("arrow-left", matrices, -63, scaledTextHeight + 29, 16, 16);
if (!chatData.isEndOfMessage()) {
drawIcon("arrow-right", matrices, 47, scaledTextHeight + 29, 16, 16);
} else {
drawIcon("keyboard", matrices, 47, scaledTextHeight + 28, 16, 16);
// Render each line of the text
drawMessageText(matrix, lines, starting_line, ending_line, immediate, lineSpacing, fullBright, 40.0F + DISPLAY_PADDING);
} else if (chatData.sender == ChatDataManager.ChatSender.ASSISTANT && chatData.status == ChatDataManager.ChatStatus.HIDDEN) {
// Draw Entity (Custom Name)
drawEntityName(entity, matrix, immediate, fullBright, 24F + DISPLAY_PADDING);
// Draw 'resume chat' button
drawIcon("button-chat", matrices, -16, textHeaderHeight, 32, 17);
} else if (chatData.sender == ChatDataManager.ChatSender.USER && chatData.status == ChatDataManager.ChatStatus.DISPLAY) {
// Draw Player Name
drawEntityName(entity, matrix, immediate, fullBright, 24F + DISPLAY_PADDING);
// Draw text background
drawTextBubbleBackground("text-top-player", matrices, -64, 0, 128, scaledTextHeight, chatData.friendship);
// Draw face icon of player
drawPlayerIcon(matrices, entity, -75, 14, 18, 18);
// Render each line of the player's text
drawMessageText(matrix, lines, starting_line, ending_line, immediate, lineSpacing, fullBright, 40.0F + DISPLAY_PADDING);
// Render each line of the text
drawMessageText(matrix, lines, starting_line, ending_line, immediate, lineSpacing, fullBright, 40.0F + DISPLAY_PADDING);
} else if (chatData.sender == ChatDataManager.ChatSender.ASSISTANT && chatData.status == ChatDataManager.ChatStatus.HIDDEN) {
// Draw Entity (Custom Name)
drawEntityName(entity, matrix, immediate, fullBright, 24F + DISPLAY_PADDING);
// Draw 'resume chat' button
drawIcon("button-chat", matrices, -16, textHeaderHeight, 32, 17);
} else if (chatData.sender == ChatDataManager.ChatSender.USER && chatData.status == ChatDataManager.ChatStatus.DISPLAY) {
// Draw Entity (Custom Name)
drawEntityName(entity, matrix, immediate, fullBright, 24F + DISPLAY_PADDING);
// Draw text background
drawTextBubbleBackground("text-top-player", matrices, -64, 0, 128, scaledTextHeight, chatData.friendship);
} else if (entity instanceof PlayerEntity) {
// Scale down before rendering textures (otherwise font is huge)
matrices.scale(-0.02F, -0.02F, 0.02F);
// Draw face icon of player
drawPlayerIcon(matrices, entity, -75, 14, 18, 18);
// Translate above the player
matrices.translate(0F, -scaledTextHeight - textHeaderHeight - textFooterHeight, 0F);
// Render each line of the player's text
drawMessageText(matrix, lines, starting_line, ending_line, immediate, lineSpacing, fullBright, 40.0F + DISPLAY_PADDING);
// Draw Player Name
drawEntityName(entity, matrices.peek().getPositionMatrix(), immediate, fullBright, 24F + DISPLAY_PADDING);
// Pop the matrix to return to the original state.
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