Commit 974840f2 by Jonathan Thomas

Updates for clarity to README, instructions, which commands are required,…

Updates for clarity to README, instructions, which commands are required, clarification on OpenAI free models, etc...
parent 29c64109
Pipeline #12093 passed with stage
in 32 seconds
......@@ -23,23 +23,21 @@ Ready to deepen your Minecraft journey with meaningful conversations and endurin
1. **Install CreatureChat Mod**: Download and copy `creaturechat-*.jar` and `fabric-api-*.jar` into your `.minecraft/mods`
1. **Create an OpenAI API key**: Visit, and use the **+ Create new secret key** button.
Copy/Paste your key into the `/creaturechat key set <your-secret-key-here>` command.
By default, we use the `gpt-3.5-turbo`, although we support most models. Review pricing at
Copy/Paste your key into the `/creaturechat key set <YOUR-SECRET-KEY-HERE>` command.
## Commands
The CreatureChat mod allows users to configure settings via in-game commands. Here's how to use them:
### Command Usage
- `/creaturechat key set <key>`
Sets the **OpenAI API key**. This is required for making requests to the LLM.
- `/creaturechat url set <url>`
**OPTIONAL:** Sets the URL of the API used to make LLM requests.
- `/creaturechat model set <model>`
**OPTIONAL:** Sets the model used for generating responses in chats.
- **REQUIRED:** `/creaturechat key set <key>`
- Sets the *OpenAI API key*. This is required for making requests to the LLM.
- **OPTIONAL:** `/creaturechat url set <url>`
- Sets the URL of the API used to make LLM requests. Defaults to `""`
- **OPTIONAL:** `/creaturechat model set <model>`
- Sets the model used for generating responses in chats. Defaults to `gpt-3.5-turbo`.
### Configuration Scope:
You can specify the **optional** configuration scope at the end of each command to determine where settings should be applied:
**OPTIONAL:** You can specify the configuration scope at the end of each command to determine where settings should be applied:
- **Default** Configuration (`--config default`):
Applies the configuration universally, unless overridden by a server-specific configuration.
......@@ -47,6 +45,18 @@ The CreatureChat mod allows users to configure settings via in-game commands. He
Applies the configuration only to the server where the command is executed.
- If the `--config` option is not specified, the `default` configuration scope is assumed.
## Costs & Security
Using third-party Large Language Model (LLM) APIs, such as OpenAI, will incur usage-based **fees**.
These fees are based on the amount of data processed. Before integrating your API key, please
[review the pricing]( details provided by the API provider.
Be aware of the **potential costs** and plan your usage accordingly to avoid unexpected charges.
## Does OpenAI offer a **FREE** model?
While ChatGPT is a popular product and does offer a free version to their users on their website,
the OpenAI developer API does not extend any free models or free usage. You will be charged for each token
consumed and generated. We use the `gpt-3.5-turbo` model by default, due to its extremely low cost
and fast performance... however it is not free.
## Screenshots
![Interact with Minecraft Creatures](src/main/resources/assets/creaturechat/screenshots/salmon-follow.png)
![Panda Following the Player](src/main/resources/assets/creaturechat/screenshots/panda-follow.png)
......@@ -54,17 +64,6 @@ The CreatureChat mod allows users to configure settings via in-game commands. He
![Enderman Following the Player](src/main/resources/assets/creaturechat/screenshots/enderman-follow.png)
![Chat UI](src/main/resources/assets/creaturechat/screenshots/chat-ui.png)
## Costs & Security
Using third-party Large Language Model (LLM) APIs, such as OpenAI, will incur usage-based **fees**.
These fees are typically based on the amount of data processed or the number of requests made
to the service. Before integrating or using these APIs, please review the pricing details
provided by the API provider. Be aware of the **potential costs** and plan your usage accordingly
to avoid unexpected charges.
By using this software and integrating third-party APIs, you acknowledge and agree to take
full responsibility for **securing** your API keys and managing API usage within the terms and
cost structures outlined by the providers.
## Authors
- Jonathan Thomas <>
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