Commit aa4ce527 by Jonathan Thomas

Update to simplify the character creation prompt, removing…

Update to simplify the character creation prompt, removing biome and entity Type - so we get more authentic characters.
parent 997be02d
Pipeline #12046 passed with stage
in 21 seconds
......@@ -247,10 +247,8 @@ public class ServerPackets {
userMessageBuilder.append("named '").append(entity.getCustomName().getLiteralString()).append("' ");
} else {
userMessageBuilder.append("whose name starts with the letter '").append(Randomizer.RandomLetter()).append("' ");
userMessageBuilder.append("and which uses ").append(Randomizer.RandomNumber(4) + 1).append(" syllables ");
userMessageBuilder.append("and uses ").append(Randomizer.RandomNumber(4) + 1).append(" syllables ");
userMessageBuilder.append("of type '").append(entity.getType().getUntranslatedName().toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT)).append("' ");
userMessageBuilder.append("who lives near the ").append(player_biome).append(".");;
chatData.generateMessage(player, "system-character", userMessageBuilder.toString(), false);
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