Commit b53ce384 by Jonathan Thomas

Best friends are now rideable! Right click with an empty hand. Large refactor of…

Best friends are now rideable! Right click with an empty hand. Large refactor of how MobEntity avoids targeting players when friendship > 0.
parent 07e7e336
Pipeline #12714 passed with stages
in 2 minutes 18 seconds
......@@ -8,8 +8,10 @@ All notable changes to **CreatureChat** are documented in this file. The format
### Added
- New LEAD behavior, to guide a player to a random location (and show message when destination is reached)
- Best friends are now rideable! Right click with an empty hand.
### Changed
- Large refactor of how MobEntity avoids targeting players when friendship > 0
- Updated LookControls to support PhantomEntity and made it more generalized (look in any direction)
- Updated FLEE behavior Y movement speed
- Updated unit tests to add new LEAD tests
......@@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ import com.owlmaddie.message.Behavior;
import com.owlmaddie.message.MessageParser;
import com.owlmaddie.message.ParsedMessage;
import com.owlmaddie.utils.LivingEntityInterface;
import com.owlmaddie.utils.Randomizer;
import com.owlmaddie.utils.ServerEntityFinder;
import net.minecraft.entity.boss.dragon.EnderDragonEntity;
......@@ -324,13 +323,7 @@ public class ChatDataManager {
} else if (behavior.getName().equals("FRIENDSHIP")) {
int new_friendship = Math.max(-3, Math.min(3, behavior.getArgument()));
if (new_friendship > 0) {
// positive friendship (apply friend goal)
((LivingEntityInterface) entity).setCanTargetPlayers(false);
} else if (new_friendship <= 0) {
// negative friendship (remove friend goal)
((LivingEntityInterface) entity).setCanTargetPlayers(true);
// Does friendship improve?
if (new_friendship > this.friendship) {
// Stop any attack/flee if friendship improves
package com.owlmaddie.mixin;
import com.owlmaddie.commands.ConfigurationHandler;
import com.owlmaddie.utils.LivingEntityInterface;
import net.minecraft.entity.Entity;
import net.minecraft.entity.LivingEntity;
import net.minecraft.entity.damage.DamageSource;
......@@ -11,10 +9,8 @@ import net.minecraft.entity.mob.MobEntity;
import net.minecraft.entity.passive.TameableEntity;
import net.minecraft.entity.player.PlayerEntity;
import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack;
import net.minecraft.registry.Registries;
import net.minecraft.text.Text;
import net.minecraft.util.Identifier;
import org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.Mixin;
import org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.injection.At;
......@@ -22,17 +18,23 @@ import org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.injection.Inject;
import org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.injection.callback.CallbackInfo;
import org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.injection.callback.CallbackInfoReturnable;
import java.util.List;
public class MixinLivingEntity implements LivingEntityInterface {
private boolean canTargetPlayers = true; // Default to true to maintain original behavior
public class MixinLivingEntity {
private ChatDataManager.EntityChatData getChatData(LivingEntity entity) {
ChatDataManager chatDataManager = ChatDataManager.getServerInstance();
return chatDataManager.getOrCreateChatData(entity.getUuidAsString());
@Inject(method = "canTarget(Lnet/minecraft/entity/LivingEntity;)Z", at = @At("HEAD"), cancellable = true)
private void modifyCanTarget(LivingEntity target, CallbackInfoReturnable<Boolean> cir) {
if (!this.canTargetPlayers && target instanceof PlayerEntity) {
if (target instanceof PlayerEntity) {
LivingEntity thisEntity = (LivingEntity) (Object) this;
ChatDataManager.EntityChatData chatData = getChatData(thisEntity);
if (chatData.friendship > 0) {
// Friendly creatures can't target a player
......@@ -51,12 +53,11 @@ public class MixinLivingEntity implements LivingEntityInterface {
if (attacker instanceof PlayerEntity && thisEntity instanceof MobEntity && !thisEntity.isDead()) {
// Generate attacked message (only if the previous user message was not an attacked message)
// We don't want to constantly generate messages during a prolonged, multi-damage event
ChatDataManager chatDataManager = ChatDataManager.getServerInstance();
ChatDataManager.EntityChatData chatData = chatDataManager.getOrCreateChatData(thisEntity.getUuidAsString());
if (!chatData.characterSheet.isEmpty() && chatData.auto_generated < chatDataManager.MAX_AUTOGENERATE_RESPONSES) {
ChatDataManager.EntityChatData chatData = getChatData(thisEntity);
if (!chatData.characterSheet.isEmpty() && chatData.auto_generated < ChatDataManager.MAX_AUTOGENERATE_RESPONSES) {
// Only auto-generate a response to being attacked if chat data already exists
// and this is the first attack event.
ServerPlayerEntity player = (ServerPlayerEntity)attacker;
ServerPlayerEntity player = (ServerPlayerEntity) attacker;
ItemStack weapon = player.getMainHandStack();
String weaponName = weapon.isEmpty() ? "with fists" : "with " + weapon.getItem().toString();
......@@ -65,7 +66,7 @@ public class MixinLivingEntity implements LivingEntityInterface {
String directness = isIndirect ? "indirectly" : "directly";
String attackedMessage = "<" + player.getName().getString() + " attacked you " + directness + " with " + weaponName + ">";
ServerPackets.generate_chat("N/A", chatData, player, (MobEntity)thisEntity, attackedMessage, true);
ServerPackets.generate_chat("N/A", chatData, player, (MobEntity) thisEntity, attackedMessage, true);
......@@ -91,9 +92,4 @@ public class MixinLivingEntity implements LivingEntityInterface {
public void setCanTargetPlayers(boolean canTarget) {
this.canTargetPlayers = canTarget;
......@@ -48,26 +48,38 @@ public class MixinMobEntity {
// Get chat data for entity
ChatDataManager chatDataManager = ChatDataManager.getServerInstance();
ChatDataManager.EntityChatData chatData = chatDataManager.getOrCreateChatData(thisEntity.getUuidAsString());
// Check if the player successfully interacts with an item
if (!itemStack.isEmpty() && player instanceof ServerPlayerEntity) {
ServerPlayerEntity serverPlayer = (ServerPlayerEntity) player;
String itemName = itemStack.getItem().getName().getString();
int itemCount = itemStack.getCount();
if (player instanceof ServerPlayerEntity) {
// Player has item in hand
if (!itemStack.isEmpty()) {
ServerPlayerEntity serverPlayer = (ServerPlayerEntity) player;
String itemName = itemStack.getItem().getName().getString();
int itemCount = itemStack.getCount();
// Decide verb
String action_verb = " shows ";
if (cir.getReturnValue().isAccepted()) {
action_verb = " gives ";
// Decide verb
String action_verb = " shows ";
if (cir.getReturnValue().isAccepted()) {
action_verb = " gives ";
// Prepare a message about the interaction
String giveItemMessage = "<" + serverPlayer.getName().getString() +
action_verb + "you " + itemCount + " " + itemName + ">";
// Prepare a message about the interaction
String giveItemMessage = "<" + serverPlayer.getName().getString() +
action_verb + "you " + itemCount + " " + itemName + ">";
if (!chatData.characterSheet.isEmpty() && chatData.auto_generated < chatDataManager.MAX_AUTOGENERATE_RESPONSES) {
ServerPackets.generate_chat("N/A", chatData, serverPlayer, thisEntity, giveItemMessage, true);
ChatDataManager chatDataManager = ChatDataManager.getServerInstance();
ChatDataManager.EntityChatData chatData = chatDataManager.getOrCreateChatData(thisEntity.getUuidAsString());
if (!chatData.characterSheet.isEmpty() && chatData.auto_generated < chatDataManager.MAX_AUTOGENERATE_RESPONSES) {
ServerPackets.generate_chat("N/A", chatData, serverPlayer, thisEntity, giveItemMessage, true);
} else if (itemStack.isEmpty()) {
// Player's hand is empty
if (chatData.friendship == 3) {
// Ride your best friend!
player.startRiding(thisEntity, true);
......@@ -7,7 +7,6 @@ import com.owlmaddie.goals.EntityBehaviorManager;
import com.owlmaddie.goals.GoalPriority;
import com.owlmaddie.goals.TalkPlayerGoal;
import com.owlmaddie.utils.Compression;
import com.owlmaddie.utils.LivingEntityInterface;
import com.owlmaddie.utils.Randomizer;
import com.owlmaddie.utils.ServerEntityFinder;
import io.netty.buffer.Unpooled;
......@@ -217,17 +216,6 @@ public class ServerPackets {
ServerEntityEvents.ENTITY_LOAD.register((entity, world) -> {
String entityUUID = entity.getUuidAsString();
if (ChatDataManager.getServerInstance().entityChatDataMap.containsKey(entityUUID)) {
int friendship = ChatDataManager.getServerInstance().entityChatDataMap.get(entityUUID).friendship;
if (friendship > 0) {"Entity loaded (" + entityUUID + "), setting friendship to " + friendship);
ServerEntityEvents.ENTITY_UNLOAD.register((entity, world) -> {
String entityUUID = entity.getUuidAsString();
if (entity.getRemovalReason() == Entity.RemovalReason.KILLED && ChatDataManager.getServerInstance().entityChatDataMap.containsKey(entityUUID)) {
package com.owlmaddie.utils;
public interface LivingEntityInterface {
void setCanTargetPlayers(boolean canTarget);
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