Commit ca79af11 by Jonathan Thomas

Hide self player name in 3rd person, and hide all player names when HUD is hidden using F1.

parent 8a74794a
Pipeline #12053 passed with stage
in 21 seconds
......@@ -478,12 +478,14 @@ public class BubbleRenderer {
// Translate above the player
matrices.translate(0F, -scaledTextHeight - textHeaderHeight - textFooterHeight, 0F);
// Draw Player Name
drawEntityName(entity, matrices.peek().getPositionMatrix(), immediate, fullBright, 24F + DISPLAY_PADDING);
// Draw Player Name (if not self and HUD is visible)
if (!entity.equals(cameraEntity) && !MinecraftClient.getInstance().options.hudHidden) {
drawEntityName(entity, matrices.peek().getPositionMatrix(), immediate, fullBright, 24F + DISPLAY_PADDING);
if (showPendingIcon) {
// Draw 'pending' button (when Chat UI is open)
drawIcon("button-dot-" + animationFrame, matrices, -16, textHeaderHeight, 32, 17);
if (showPendingIcon) {
// Draw 'pending' button (when Chat UI is open)
drawIcon("button-dot-" + animationFrame, matrices, -16, textHeaderHeight, 32, 17);
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