- 13 Jan, 2025 3 commits
Jonathan Thomas authored
Fixing regression which caused uncleaned messages (i.e. with behaviors) to be broadcast to players. This is fixed by adding only the cleaned message, and then updating the previousMessage history with the original/uncleaned message.
Jonathan Thomas authored -
Changed UV coordinates slightly for bottom right of the icon, to not overlap the front of the skin's hand. Updating ICONS.md assets to use new UV coordinates.
Jonathan Thomas authored
- 10 Jan, 2025 3 commits
Madeline Thomas authored
Madeline Thomas authored
Madeline Thomas authored
- 05 Jan, 2025 9 commits
New command `/creaturechat chatbubbles set <on | off>` to show or hide player chat messages in bubbles
Jonathan Thomas authored -
Jonathan Thomas authored
Seperated Player and Entity message broadcasts (different packets for simplicity). Removed extra message broadcast (which was unnecessary).
Jonathan Thomas authored -
Jonathan Thomas authored
Jonathan Thomas authored
Scaling all icon/skin images to 256 for clarity on tutorial, and linking to templates for downloading.
Jonathan Thomas authored -
Jonathan Thomas authored
Jonathan Thomas authored
Jonathan Thomas authored
- 03 Jan, 2025 1 commit
Jonathan Thomas authored
- 01 Jan, 2025 3 commits
Hide auto-generated messages from briefly appearing from the mob (i.e. interact, show, attack, arrival)
Jonathan Thomas authored -
Fixed bug which caused a max friend to interact with both off hand + main hand, causing both a message + riding (only check main hand now)
Jonathan Thomas authored -
Refactor of EntityChatData constructor (no need for playerName anymore). Fixed a bug which broadcasts death messages for any mob with a customName (now it must also have a character sheet)
Jonathan Thomas authored
- 29 Dec, 2024 3 commits
Jonathan Thomas authored
Added new lead_friend and lead_enemy particles and sounds, to make it clear when a "lead" behavior begins
Jonathan Thomas authored -
Broadcast story set/clear/display to all ops. Also, add a new "story display" command, which prints the current story.
Jonathan Thomas authored
- 28 Dec, 2024 1 commit
Broadcast ALL player friendships with each message update (to keep client in sync with server). Also updated many log statements, to improve debug output.
Jonathan Thomas authored
- 26 Dec, 2024 3 commits
Additional refactor around playerData and friendship and player messages - trying to fix an issue with friendship not updating correctly
Jonathan Thomas authored -
More fixes for regressions related to player message bubbles. Seperated `generateCharacter()` and `generateMessage()` functions for simplicity
Jonathan Thomas authored -
Do not broadcast system-character messages to all players, or it will display the request to generate a character for no reason
Jonathan Thomas authored
- 25 Dec, 2024 4 commits
Jonathan Thomas authored
Jonathan Thomas authored
New `/creaturechat story` command to customize the character creation and chat prompts with custom text.
Jonathan Thomas authored -
Jonathan Thomas authored
- 24 Dec, 2024 1 commit
When entity conversations switch players, a message is added for clarity (so the entity knows a new player entered the conversation). Entity's now keep their entire message history in a single stack, but have more context when player's change in the conversation.
Jonathan Thomas authored
- 14 Oct, 2024 2 commits
Additional regressions caused by switching from UUID to player's display name (nick). Also, setting "born" and "death" timestamps, and no longer deleting chat data.
Jonathan Thomas authored -
Refactor messages back to a single List<ChatMessage>, but now with a "name" attribute based on Player's display name. This will more easily allow for filtering the list of messages by player name, and also allow for more role playing (i.e. changing nick on a server can change your friendship / message history).
Jonathan Thomas authored
- 13 Oct, 2024 1 commit
Jonathan Thomas authored
- 29 Sep, 2024 2 commits
Adding timestamps to ChatMessage (long based unix timestamp format), also sets them during migration
Jonathan Thomas authored -
Limiting LEAD particles to 3, and move them further in front of the entity. Also scale LEAD particle smaller.
Jonathan Thomas authored
- 28 Sep, 2024 2 commits
Jonathan Thomas authored
Fixed a bug causing new player data to not be saved (breaking the chat requests). Now new players will always start with the original greeting and be saved in the player data with a new UUID.
Jonathan Thomas authored
- 27 Sep, 2024 1 commit
New animated lead particle (arrows pointing where they are going). New animated attack particles with random # of particles.
Jonathan Thomas authored
- 25 Sep, 2024 1 commit
New follow, flee, attack, and protect particles & sound effects. Protect now auto sets friendship to 1 (if <= 0), to prevent entity from attacking and protecting at the same time. Passive entities no longer emit damage particles when attacking, they emit custom attack particles
Jonathan Thomas authored