- 21 Apr, 2024 3 commits
Jonathan Thomas authored
- Added player face to player chat bubbles - Added placeholder player text-top UI graphic (no friendship) - Reduced ticks visible per page of player messages - Changed PlayerMessage to extend EntityChatData, for simplicity
Jonathan Thomas authored -
- Added additional truncate logic, to ensure all messages are limited to 512 characters - Added new PlayerMessageManager to keep track of currently visible player messages, to soon be displayed temporarily
Jonathan Thomas authored
- 20 Apr, 2024 1 commit
- Broadcast this new playerId along with the chatData
Jonathan Thomas authored
- 16 Apr, 2024 2 commits
- Clear previous messages, if character sheet is empty (i.e. test mode) - Refactor out generate_chat() and generate_character() so they can be called from different packets more easily - Don't allow chats with entities that have no character sheet generated - keep trying to generate a new character sheet (needed for test mode) - Don't ever set "N/A" as an actual customName
Jonathan Thomas authored -
- HIDDEN chat bubbles will become visible again when clicked again - Added new setStatus packet to update chat status between DISPLAY and HIDDEN
Jonathan Thomas authored
- 15 Apr, 2024 1 commit
- Added new keyboard icon - owlmaddie art, as a chat bubble at the end of a chat message - Removed ChatStatus.END, and replaced the logic with isEndOfMessage() function
Jonathan Thomas authored
- 13 Apr, 2024 3 commits
- Load API url, key, model, and other settings from config file (creaturechat.json) - Expanded our Config class to include other API settings, such as context length and output length. - Include 20 generated funny error messages
Jonathan Thomas authored -
Updating commands to add optional --config server, or --config default. Also adding configuration handler to actually create and load config files.
Jonathan Thomas authored -
/creaturechat key set <key> /creaturechat url set "<url>" /creaturechat model set <model> /creaturechat help
Jonathan Thomas authored
- 12 Apr, 2024 3 commits
Jonathan Thomas authored
Jonathan Thomas authored
- Added custom SquidEntity support for lookcontrols (fixing squid issues with following and looking at player) - Refactored look controls to be simpler and easier to modify
Jonathan Thomas authored
- 11 Apr, 2024 1 commit
Refactor controls classes into new package, and add custom speed settings for Illagers and WanderingTraders
Jonathan Thomas authored
- 10 Apr, 2024 5 commits
Watch for entities loading and unloading, and adjust chatdata (i.e. remove dead chat data). Also, when loading a world, init friendship targeting for any > 0 friendeship scores (so friends wont attack players)
Jonathan Thomas authored -
Jonathan Thomas authored
Adding new mixin to dynamically affect how the canTarget method works on LivingEntities. This prevents them from targeting any Player users if the friendship score > 0. Also changed behavior of Follow to pause when they are near the player, allowing other goals to run.
Jonathan Thomas authored -
Adding custom entity speed adjustments for a variety of Enties, that follow too slow or too fast. Most work fine with a speed of 1.0 though.
Jonathan Thomas authored -
Jonathan Thomas authored
- 09 Apr, 2024 1 commit
Adding accesswidener for SlimeMoveControl access. New helper code to make Slime's look at the player (in survival mode) and correctly follow the player.
Jonathan Thomas authored
- 08 Apr, 2024 3 commits
Improved Attack AI to run towards the player, slow down, leap and attack. The player can now sprint to outrun the attacking entity.
Jonathan Thomas authored -
Jonathan Thomas authored
Jonathan Thomas authored
- 07 Apr, 2024 6 commits
when sending chunked lite JSON data to new player on server (i.e. someone reconnects or logins in).
Jonathan Thomas authored -
Update player login message from server to be sent in chunks for 32000 characters, to avoid the max String length errors. The client will reassemble all chunks and then load the JSON.
Jonathan Thomas authored -
Jonathan Thomas authored
Jonathan Thomas authored
Jonathan Thomas authored
Jonathan Thomas authored
- 06 Apr, 2024 4 commits
Added a new FleePlayerGoal, if an entity feel scared or threatened by the player. They run away at 1.5x speed. Also updated the system-chat examples to provide a more sequential list of messages.
Jonathan Thomas authored -
Jonathan Thomas authored
- Added moveConflictingGoals function (to prevent duplicate goal priorities) - Fixed FollowPlayerGoal to not clear the this.targetPlayer variable when stop() is called. This can be temporarily stopped due to a higher priority goal. - Updated TALK priority to 2, and FOLLOW priority to 3, for maximum compatability across entities, without overriding their most important survival/attack goals.
Jonathan Thomas authored -
Fixing issue with message order in Chat GPT request, to add them in reverse order (limiting them by token usages), and then reversing the list at the end.
Jonathan Thomas authored
- 05 Apr, 2024 4 commits
- Added a long list of random "no response" phrases. Sometimes the LLM just outputs a behavior and no text. - Added the actual output with behaviors to chat history (for better context) - Fixed a bug which was broadcasting the new generated message at the wrong time.
Jonathan Thomas authored -
Small refactor to ChatGPT requests, separating all the key variables to make it easier to modify. Also, adding in token estimation and limits: 200 output tokens, 75% of the 16k context window, so super long conversations exceeding 12k tokens will be trimmed to the most recent messages.
Jonathan Thomas authored -
Update UI to newest artwork from owlmaddie. Update some X,Y coordinates since a few images changes sizes and locations.
Jonathan Thomas authored -
Jonathan Thomas authored
- 04 Apr, 2024 3 commits
- New method to retrieve and use an Entity Renderer to return the texture path associated with it - Large refactor of entity texture folders and file names to match the Minecraft texture paths.
Jonathan Thomas authored -
- Refactored Goal Adding/Removing to make it more generic - Added enum for Goal Priorities, since an entity can have both Talk and Follow goals at the same time. - Updated Follow goal to no longer look at the player once they reach the player. - Removed slowness status effect, replaced with Talk Goal
Jonathan Thomas authored -
Jonathan Thomas authored