Commit f2338909 by Jonathan Thomas

Updating gitlab CI script to no longer *.gz zip the files, and updating README…

Updating gitlab CI script to no longer *.gz zip the files, and updating README with deployment instructions
parent df97c0cf
Pipeline #8985 passed with stage
in 34 seconds
......@@ -14,7 +14,6 @@ deploy-to-aws:
- npm ci
- npm run build
- find dist -type f -regex '.*\.\(htm\|html\|txt\|text\|js\|css\)$' -exec gzip -f -k {} \;
- mkdir -p /home/ubuntu/api/apps/simple-editor/public/
- cp -R dist/. /home/ubuntu/api/apps/simple-editor/
- cp -R public/. /home/ubuntu/api/apps/simple-editor/public/
......@@ -27,7 +26,6 @@ deploy-to-azure:
- npm ci
- npm run build
- find dist -type f -regex '.*\.\(htm\|html\|txt\|text\|js\|css\)$' -exec gzip -f -k {} \;
- mkdir -p /home/ubuntu/api/apps/simple-editor/public/
- cp -R dist/. /home/ubuntu/api/apps/simple-editor/
- cp -R public/. /home/ubuntu/api/apps/simple-editor/public/
......@@ -3,18 +3,22 @@ simple-editor
This is a very simple demo application for OpenShot Cloud API. You can log-in, upload files,
create/edit clips, move clips (up/down), and export / download a video.
You can also check out the **hosted** version of this app:
- /login/: Allow user to login to API (auth saved to localStorage)
- /projects/: List all projects (create, edit, copy, delete)
- /projects/ID/: Video editor (files, clips, preview, export)
- **/login/**: User login to API instance (auth saved to localStorage)
- **/logout/**: Log out the current user
- **/projects/**: List all projects (create, edit, copy, delete)
- **/projects/ID/**: Video editor (files, clips, preview, export)
- files: upload (w/progress bars), filter, and delete
- clips: trimming (start, end), position (move clip), edit, delete
- preview: file & clips supported, play/pause, simple timeline w/ trimming, add-clip button
- export: progress bar, cancel, download, preview (show last export)
- **Files**: upload (w/progress bars), filter, and delete
- **Clips**: trimming (start, end), position (move clip), edit, delete
- **Preview**: file & clips supported, play/pause, simple timeline w/ trimming, add-clip button
- **Export**: progress bar, cancel, download, preview (show last export)
## Project setup
......@@ -22,23 +26,53 @@ npm install
### Compiles and hot-reloads for development
Modify `.env.development` file to update the `VUE_APP_OPENSHOT_API_URL` variable used in development mode. This is
a required step when building this application for use with your own **OpenShot Cloud API** server.
npm run serve
### Compiles and minifies for production
Modify `.env.production` file to update the `VUE_APP_OPENSHOT_API_URL` variable used in production/build mode. This is
a required step when building this application for use with your own **OpenShot Cloud API** server.
- 1: Modify `.env.development` file and update the `VUE_APP_OPENSHOT_API_URL` variable used in development mode.
This is a required step when building this application for use with your own **OpenShot Cloud API** server.
- 2: Modify `vue.config.js` file and update the `publicPath` variable to the path you are serving the app from.
For example: `/` is the web server root, `/apps/simple-editor` if serving from a sub-folder, etc...
### Compiles and minifies for production
npm run build
- 1: Modify `.env.production` file and update the `VUE_APP_OPENSHOT_API_URL` variable used in production/build mode.
This is a required step when building this application for use with your own **OpenShot Cloud API** server.
- 2: Modify `vue.config.js` file and update the `publicPath` variable to the path you are serving the app from.
For example: `/` is the web server root, `/apps/simple-editor` if serving from a sub-folder, etc...
This will generate a `dist` folder, which contains all the needed files to deploy this application. The dist directory
is meant to be served by an HTTP server, so it will not work if you open dist/index.html directly over file:// protocol.
### Deploy application to Web Server
If using Apache as your production web server, deploying the `dist` folder
to your web server requires an extra step. Some URLs used in this app
are not real files served by Apache (i.e. /projects/ID/), and thus, if a user
reloads the web browser, the server will return a 404 error.
To prevent this, any requests for missing resources on your web server should have
a fallback to `index.html`. For example...
<Directory "/home/ubuntu/api/apps/simple-editor/">
FallbackResource /apps/simple-editor/index.html
The following **commands** are used to automate the deployment
of this app using **GitLab CI**. You will likely need a similar
script to automate your own deployments of this app.
- npm ci
- npm run build
- mkdir -p /home/ubuntu/api/apps/simple-editor/public/
- cp -R dist/. /home/ubuntu/api/apps/simple-editor/
- cp -R public/. /home/ubuntu/api/apps/simple-editor/public/
Read more about deployment:
### Lints and fixes files
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